Edmodo is basically an app that connects students with their teacher. It helps both students and teachers to easily communicate with each other as most things that happen between teachers and students can also happen through Edmodo Also it is easily accessible and not hard to use. With Edmodo, teachers can create virtual classes, which student can join, and post assignments, study materials and announcements.

Edmodo gives teachers a chance to share their ideas. Using the "Discover" section, teacher can share their ideas about lessons to help other teachers plan their lessons. Students also can use this section to play educational games, read student focused news etc.

Edmodo has also great for organizing. Because you don't have to do anything. Both teachers and students do not have to write down their quiz dates, assignments or due dates and keep them in a notebook. Once you assigned an homework for students for example, it is there until its due date. Checking your students responses also very easy as it is not on paper. For students, it keeps track of your assignments and notifies you when their due date is close. In short, Edmodo helps you to stay on track.

Another feature that makes Edmodo really useful is its help in communication. Students do not have to wait for the next class to ask their teacher a question or they don't have to write an e-mail. Edmodo has a messaging feature which is just like texting via Whatsapp.

Edmodo also helps the parents to keep track of their children. They can see the grades and assignments the students got as soon as the teacher announces them. They can also communicate with the teachers whenever they want.

To bring all the students, teachers and parents together schools can be created in Edmodo. That way, the collaboration and the communication between teachers, students and parents can get stronger and easier. It is like having your entire school everywhere with you.


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